Based in Ukraine "LBU-TECH" LTD is a Processor, Wholesaler, of Frozen Bakery,
Type of Business partners :
The number of employees is 11 – 60.

The "LBU-TECH" LTD is an official representative "AGROEAST BAKING AND MILLING" LTD from Ukraine - offers you Stone Ground Whole-Grain Flour and Frozen Handmade Bread. The uniqueness and naturalness of Whole Grain Flour is the grinding of it. The grinding saves cellulose and all the microelements and vitamins which are contained in the shell of each grain. Therefore, bread, baked out of whole-grain flour, acquires exceptional taste, nutritional and healthy (useful) qualities. The whole assortment of bread is the handmade work of our bakers (not industrial production), bread is baked on a wood stove without chemical additives.

Contact details of "LBU-TECH" LTD

The address is : Velyka Kiltseva St.4, Kyiv 03180, Ukraine
The contact person of this file is : Kushyk Taras, , (Seller, ).
Tel : +42191925515
Website : lbu.com.ua/

"LBU-TECH" LTD Products

Process Frozen Bakery


Process Frozen Bakery Frozen bread


Process Frozen bread Frozen Baguette


Process Frozen bread Frozen Ciabatta


Process Frozen bread Other


Process Frozen Bakery Other