Amante pizzabottnarAB

About Amante pizzabottnarAB

Based in Sweden Amante pizzabottnarAB is a Processor, of PizzaPastaPies,
Type of Business partners :
The number of employees is 1 – 10.

We are an italian company that produce handmade frozen pizza Napoletana ,pizza Bianca,fokace,pinza ect

Contact details of Amante pizzabottnarAB

The address is : Slakthusgatan hus k, Goteborg 41502, Sweden
The contact person of this file is : Sorra Erjon, Ceo, (Seller, ).
Tel : 0733994510
Website :

Amante pizzabottnarAB Products

Process Frozen Pizza, Pie, Pasta Frozen Dough for Pizza or other bakery


Process Frozen Pizza, Pie, Pasta Frozen Pizza

hand made cooked

Process Frozen Pizza Pre cooked

Process Frozen Pizza Stoneoven

Process Frozen Pizza, Pie, Pasta Other
