MW Janczewscy

About MW Janczewscy

Based in Poland MW Janczewscy is a Processor, of Frozen Bakery, Frozen Desserts,
Type of Business partners :
The number of employees is 61 - 500.

MW Janczewscy Company was founded in 1991 by Mariola and Waldemar Janczewski, and today it is one of the most competitive confectionery companies in Poland. Our products are made exclusively from natural and fresh ingredients, based on traditional recipes. Mass production provides high quality of products using the latest manufacturing technologies. The quality of products is assured by the HACCP system. We offer refrigerated transport and delivery. The products are packed in airtight packaging is an additional guarantee of quality. With mass production and extensive production lines, we are able to offer extremely competitive prices. In our products range you will find frozen cakes, pastries, and cookies. Such as Danish pastries and original Polish doughnuts. Our wide range of frozen products offer after defrosting guarantees the highest quality possible of consumption.

Contact details of MW Janczewscy

The address is : Wojska Polskiego 43, Nowy Dwór Mazowiecki 05-101, Poland
The contact person of this file is : Janczewski Waldemar, Mr, (Seller, ).
Tel : +48510116380
Website :

MW Janczewscy Products

Process Frozen Bakery

Process Frozen Desserts

Process Frozen bread Frozen rolls apple

Process Frozen bread Frozen rolls white cheese

Process Frozen bread Other

Process Frozen Bakery Frozen Puff pastry

Process Frozen viennoiserie Frozen Donuts Frozen Berliners

Process Frozen viennoiserie Frozen round pastry cheese

Process Frozen viennoiserie Frozen round pastry white cheese

Process Frozen viennoiserie Other

Process Frozen Bakery Other

Process Frozen Desserts Frozen Berliner

Process Frozen Desserts Frozen Biscuits

Process Frozen Desserts Frozen Cakes

Process Frozen Cakes Frozen Eclair

Process Frozen Cakes Frozen Fruit cakes

Process Frozen Desserts Frozen Pastry

Process Frozen Pastry Frozen tarts

Process Frozen Desserts Frozen Puff Pastry