Stc Food inc

About Stc Food inc

Based in Canada Stc Food inc is a Trader, Importateur, of Frozen Vegetables, Frozen Dairy, Frozen Meat, JuiceNotFrozen,
Type of Business partners :
The number of employees is 1 – 10.

STC Food Inc. has the financial resources to buy the food products and the experience to deliver the food products anywhere in the world.

Contact details of Stc Food inc

The address is : 6600 Trans Canada Highway, Pointe Cla H9R 4S2, Canada
The contact person of this file is : Radovic Edouard, Manager, (Buyer, Seller, ).
Tel : 514 505 1251
Website :

Stc Food inc Products

Trade Frozen Meat products

Trade Frozen Meat products Frozen Beef

Trade Frozen Meat products Frozen Chicken

Trade Frozen Meat products Frozen Pork

Trade Frozen Meat products Frozen Rabbit

Trade Frozen Meat products Frozen Sausages