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Frozen Ciabatta Suppliers Manufacturers

Below you will find a list of suppliers, processors, producers, wholesalers, importers, traders, distributors Manufacturers of Frozen Ciabatta.
We do have a supplier in the world wide, wherever you are. Suppliers can offer you a wide choices of Frozen Ciabatta to your company.

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Based in Italy OROPAN S.p.A. is a Processor, of Frozen Bakery,
It offers the following certifications : BRC (AA); IFS (Higher); ISO 9001:2015.

Overview : Oropan S.p.A. is the category leader in the production of gourmet breads from the Puglia region of Italy. We help importers, retailers, and foodservice distributors innovate their product range thanks to the uniqueness of our Italian baked goods. We strictly follow our ancient recipe of Puglia that dates back to 37 B.C. and is based on the use of remilled durum wheat semolina (rich Italian flavour), mother dough, and natural leavening for 12 hours (which gives a unique flavour and makes the dough more digestible). Founded by Vito Forte, a well-respected baker in Altamura since 1956, the company employs 153 people and is considered an ambassador of “made in Italy” fine foods. Using state-of-the-art manufacturing technologies, the company has been able to gain a unique competitive advantage by combining a traditional production method with the innovative product requirements of modern retailers and foodservice distributors. Oropan S.p.A. applies the most rigorous international quality standards such as BRC (AA), IFS (Higher), and ISO 9001:2015. Product ranges: ->Frozen par-baked bakery products for the retail channel (instore bakery) and foodservice channels (restaurants, hotel, bread café…) ->Retail-packaged frozen bakery products for the retail channel ->Bakery products in a protective atmosphere (bread rolls and focaccia breads) ->Traditional savoury snacks The company currently exports to +23 markets worldwide and is the preferred choice of business operators looking to increase their performance in the bakery industry.

The address is SS 96 km 5,4 70022 Altamura (BA)
 Altamura 70022
Contact : Ragone 
, Mr.
, (Seller) 

Based in Spain FRIPAN (europastry) is a Processor, of Frozen Bakery, Frozen Desserts,

The address is Pza Xavier Cugat, 2 Ed. C, Planta 4
Contact : PALOMA 
, exportaciones
, (, Seller, ) 

Based in Singapore Food Fresh Pte Ltd is a Processor, Wholesaler, of Frozen IceCream, Frozen Bakery, Frozen Desserts,

Overview : Frozen Bakery, Pastry and Ice Confection Products from Singapore.

The address is 15 Senoko Drive #06-01 JTC Food Hub
 Singapore 758202
Contact : Low 
, Mr.
, (, Seller, ) 

Based in Argentina EL ALBOX S.A. is a Processor, of Frozen Bakery, Frozen Desserts, PizzaPastaPies,

The address is Adolfo Calle 827
 Mendoza 5519
Contact : Bazan 
, Sr.
, (, Seller, ) 

Based in France Pomona is a Trader, Importateur, Wholesaler, of Frozen Potatoes, Frozen Vegetables, Frozen Dairy, Frozen Fruits, Frozen Herbs, Frozen Mushrooms, Frozen IceCream, Soup, Frozen Fish, Frozen Meat, Frozen Bakery, Frozen Desserts, PizzaPastaPies, PreparedFood, Drinks,

Overview : Major importer and distributor of frozen food, world wide.

The address is 2 et 4, Place du Général de Gaulle
Contact : Susini 
, export director
, (, Seller, ) 

Based in Ukraine "LBU-TECH" LTD is a Processor, Wholesaler, of Frozen Bakery,

Overview : The "LBU-TECH" LTD is an official representative "AGROEAST BAKING AND MILLING" LTD from Ukraine - offers you Stone Ground Whole-Grain Flour and Frozen Handmade Bread. The uniqueness and naturalness of Whole Grain Flour is the grinding of it. The grinding saves cellulose and all the microelements and vitamins which are contained in the shell of each grain. Therefore, bread, baked out of whole-grain flour, acquires exceptional taste, nutritional and healthy (useful) qualities. The whole assortment of bread is the handmade work of our bakers (not industrial production), bread is baked on a wood stove without chemical additives.

The address is Velyka Kiltseva St.4
 Kyiv 03180
Contact : Kushyk 
, (, Seller, ) 

Based in Portugal Panidor is a Processor, of Soup, Frozen Bakery, PreparedFood,

Overview : We are Panidor, a Portuguese company leader in the category of frozen bakery and pastry, created from the rich heritage of a family of traditional Portuguese bakers, with 25 years of experience in the sector. We combine the know-how of traditional bakery with state of the art manufacturing processes and facilities in order to create unique products of the highest quality. Our offer consists of a wide array of products going from traditional rustic bread to high-quality pastries, also including unique products such as the “Pastel de Nata”, an iconic traditional Portuguese dessert.

The address is Travessa Outeira dos Cepos
 Leiria 2425-618
Contact : Miroto 
, Marketing
, (, Seller, ) 

Based in Ukraine PrJSC "Concern Hlibprom" is a Processor, of Frozen Bakery, Frozen Desserts,

Overview : PrJSC "Concern Hlibprom" is a leading Ukrainian bread, bakery and confectionary producer. It was founded in 2003, incorporates 7 production units and gives job to 3500 employees. The key products for export are frozen breads and bakery products. These are the goods that have been baked, shock frozen and at -18°C can be stored for 6 months. Range of products consists of ciabatta, baguettes, panini, hot dog buns, sweet/savour Danish Pastry and bread - traditional rye bread and European line. Production unit was built in 2010 and is certified by ISO 22000:2005 We are interested in cooperation with food importers and distributors on foreign markets. Feel free contacting us!

The address is Khlibna Street, 2
 Lviv 79035
Contact : Zhukovska 
, (, Seller, ) 

Based in Czech Republic Venezia Special Food is a Agent, Trader, Importateur, of Frozen Potatoes, Frozen Dairy, Frozen IceCream, Frozen Bakery, Frozen Desserts, PizzaPastaPies, Drinks, RefrigeratedFood,

Overview : we are a new company in Czech Republic, sole agent for Premium italian brands in CZ ans SK: Lattebusche (dairy products, ice cream/soft cream), Dolceria Alba (dessert), Stacchiotti (bread), and many others. We will find new distributor channels in CZ and SK for these companies (GDO, Retail, Cash&Carry or Ho.Re.Ca, according to the products).

The address is Barochov 31
 Řehenice 251 67
 Czech Republic
Contact : Tazzer 
, Mr.
, (, Seller, ) 

Based in Spain Atrian Bakers, S.L is a Trader, Processor, Importateur, Retailer, Service, of Frozen Bakery, Frozen Desserts, Frozen Service,

The address is Av. de la industria, 7(Pol.Ind.Pla del Cami)
 Castellgalí 08297
Contact : Jiménez 
, Sales assistant
, (Buyer, Seller, ) 

Based in Spain Atrian Bakers, S.L is a Trader, Processor, Importateur, Retailer, Service, of Frozen Bakery, Frozen Desserts, Frozen Service,

The address is Av. de la industria, 7(Pol.Ind.Pla del Cami)
 Castellgalí 08297
Contact : Jiménez 
, Sales assistant
, (Buyer, Seller, ) 

Based in Spain Atrian Bakers, S.L is a Processor, of Soup, Frozen Bakery, Frozen Desserts, PizzaPastaPies,

Overview : At Atrian Bakers, we focus on identifying our customers’ needs so we can create, produce and distribute the widest variety of quality food commodities as part of our extensive catalogue. As part of Grupo Lasem, Atrian Bakers, with over 20 years devoted to the production of frozen dough, has a solid industrial and commercial track record, both at home and abroad We painstakingly and devotedly prepare over 300 different products with the BRC seal of excellence and combine the most advanced technological processes with a more natural home-made approach. We care about the health and well-being of consumers and work day and night to optimize the composition of our products. And, from our I+D+i Department, we strive to expand and perfect our Clean Label range We enjoy what we do: producing food commodities with a unique and familiar taste and a distinguishing touch of class. Familiar flavours for all occasions and any time of the day, served straight from the oven. We want to get to know you and for you to identify with our products. We invite you to explore our products. With Atrian Bakers, your day will be a piece of cake.

The address is Av. de la Indústria, 7 (Pol. Ind. Pla del Camí)
 Castellgalí 08297
Contact : Jiménez 
, Sales assistant
, (, Seller, ) 

Based in France gourmet distribution is a Trader, Importateur, Wholesaler, of Frozen Potatoes, Frozen Vegetables, Frozen Dairy, Frozen IceCream, Frozen Meat, Frozen Bakery, Frozen Desserts, PreparedFood, Drinks, RefrigeratedFood,

The address is 25 route de la lechere
 la balme de sillingy 74330
Contact : gungor 
, (Buyer, Seller, ) 

Based in Italy SFERA srl is a Trader, Processor, Wholesaler, of Frozen Dairy, Frozen Bakery, Frozen Desserts, PizzaPastaPies, RefrigeratedFood,

Overview : We are an Italian handmade traditional bakery company, producing high quality bakery products. Like Tuscany “schiaccata” and derivatives, cantucci, foccace, fette, panini, tomato pizza base, etc. We are unique . Our ancient traditional Tuscany baking methods with almost a century secret recipe keeping the mother dough through all these years like in the old times times. Baking in stone ovens and wood ovens , all products artisan handmade all natural ingredients without additives and preservatives Attractive high quality bakery products . Frozen & non frozen, prebaked and fresh products.

The address is VIA ROCCA TEDALDA 96
, (, Seller, ) 

Based in Ukraine Kulinichi is a Processor, Importateur, Wholesaler, of Frozen Bakery, Frozen Desserts, PizzaPastaPies,

Overview : Brand "Kulinichi" developed on the eastern market of Ukraine in 1995 in the small village of Kulinichi,in Kharkiv region. It is a small town located in a picturesque and ecologically clean area, which, of course,is a perfect place for such a noble cause as Baking. Brand "Kulinichi" immediately established itself as a manufacturer of a high quality bread products, occupying the leading position among domestic producers of bakery products. Our Products: The assortment of brand products "Kulinichi" has more than four hundred types of products. Bakery products: a variety of breads made of wheat, rye, gingerbread cookies, bread crumps Confectionery: cakes, cookies, muffins, cakes, croissants, sctrudels ,pies. Biobread Frozen puff semi-finished products Over 60% of the list produced by us are bakery products made according to the recipes developed by technologists of our company. In recognition of our outstanding service and products we have received numerous national and regional awards. Our company is continually exploring opportunities to expand the range of products in an effort to provide consumers a wide range of bakery and confectionery products. Development of the production We develop our production in three main areas: Production of bread and bakery products; Confectionery; Production of goods using «Part Baked» technology

The address is Shkolnaya Street 17
Contact : Spivakovskiy 
, Export Manager
, (, Seller, )