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Frozen Long Vienna Roll Suppliers Manufacturers

Below you will find a list of suppliers, processors, producers, wholesalers, importers, traders, distributors Manufacturers of Frozen Long Vienna Roll.
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Based in Spain FRIPAN (europastry) is a Processor, of Frozen Bakery, Frozen Desserts,

The address is Pza Xavier Cugat, 2 Ed. C, Planta 4
Contact : PALOMA 
, exportaciones
, (, Seller, ) 

Based in Spain Atrian Bakers, S.L is a Trader, Processor, Importateur, Retailer, Service, of Frozen Bakery, Frozen Desserts, Frozen Service,

The address is Av. de la industria, 7(Pol.Ind.Pla del Cami)
 Castellgalí 08297
Contact : Jiménez 
, Sales assistant
, (Buyer, Seller, ) 

Based in Spain Atrian Bakers, S.L is a Trader, Processor, Importateur, Retailer, Service, of Frozen Bakery, Frozen Desserts, Frozen Service,

The address is Av. de la industria, 7(Pol.Ind.Pla del Cami)
 Castellgalí 08297
Contact : Jiménez 
, Sales assistant
, (Buyer, Seller, ) 

Based in Spain Atrian Bakers, S.L is a Processor, of Soup, Frozen Bakery, Frozen Desserts, PizzaPastaPies,

Overview : At Atrian Bakers, we focus on identifying our customers’ needs so we can create, produce and distribute the widest variety of quality food commodities as part of our extensive catalogue. As part of Grupo Lasem, Atrian Bakers, with over 20 years devoted to the production of frozen dough, has a solid industrial and commercial track record, both at home and abroad We painstakingly and devotedly prepare over 300 different products with the BRC seal of excellence and combine the most advanced technological processes with a more natural home-made approach. We care about the health and well-being of consumers and work day and night to optimize the composition of our products. And, from our I+D+i Department, we strive to expand and perfect our Clean Label range We enjoy what we do: producing food commodities with a unique and familiar taste and a distinguishing touch of class. Familiar flavours for all occasions and any time of the day, served straight from the oven. We want to get to know you and for you to identify with our products. We invite you to explore our products. With Atrian Bakers, your day will be a piece of cake.

The address is Av. de la Indústria, 7 (Pol. Ind. Pla del Camí)
 Castellgalí 08297
Contact : Jiménez 
, Sales assistant
, (, Seller, ) 

Based in Greece FROZEN PASTRY PRODUCER Greece is a Processor, Wholesaler, of Frozen Bakery, Frozen Desserts, Jam, PizzaPastaPies, JuiceNotFrozen,
It offers the following certifications : ISO 9001: 2008,ISO 22000: 2005, QMSCERT, EQA,HACCP.

Overview : Best prices -Producer of frozen pastry,best quality and prices for all Frozen Pastry,puff pastry,greek pies with cheese,spinach,croissants, bougatsa,pizza for retail and service markets.Products:Bougatsa with cream; Bougatsa with cheese; Bougatsa with meat;Bougatsa with spinach;Croissants With cheese-bacon; croissants With cheese; Croissants With ham bacon special; Croissants With double sausage;Croissants With margarine;Croissants With praline; Croissants With marmalade; Koulori Rolls: Koulouri with cheese; Koulouri with ham and cheese; Koulouri with gouda cheese; Koulouri with potatoes and Olives; Koulouri whole grain with Turkey and cream cheese; Peynirli special; Calzone special; Pizza square 6 pcs; Round pizza; Pizza 250gr; Koulori With double sausage; Kourou with cheese handmade; Puff pastry Puff pastry pies with ham and Cheese; Puff pastry pies with yellow Cheese; Puff pastry pies with sausage; Puff pastry pies triangular with Cheese; Puff pastry pies oval with cheese; Puff pastry pies ''tsiggana''; Puff pastry χ7cm; Mini puff pastry pies With cheese; Mini puff pastry pies With sausage; Mini puff pastry pies With ham and gouda cheese; Mini puff pastry pies With spinach and cheese; Mini meatless croissant pies; Mini meatless croissant pies With apple paste; vegan croissant pies With apple paste, vegan croissant pies With apple paste With sesame paste(tahini); vegan croissant pies With apple paste With pumpkin; Meatless croissant pies; vegan croissant pies Traditional Greek pies With cheese; Traditional Greek pies With spinach and cheese; Traditional Greek pies With spinach; Traditional Greek pies With leek; Traditional Greek pies With cheese; Traditional Greek pies With spinach and cheese; Traditional Greek frozen pies With spinach; Traditional Greek frozen pies With leek; Traditional Greek frozen pies With chicken; Traditional Greek frozen pies Mini pastry: Kourou with cheese handmade; Kourou with sausage handmade; Mini pizza etc

The address is Athens
Contact : GEORGE 
, (Buyer, Seller, ) 

Based in Poland Nowel Piekarnia Nowakowski Sp. z o.o. S.K.A. is a Trader, Processor, of Frozen Bakery,

Overview : We are a pre-baked frozen bakery products manufacturer with traditions dating back to year 1925. Our current production is located in two manufacturing plants, both in the suburbs of Warsaw. We offer a wide range of frozen bakery products including kaiser rolls, baguettes, breakfast rolls, ciabattas, cereal products and breads. We cooperate with big retail chains across Europe but developing sales also on other continents.

The address is Szarych Szeregów 11
 Legionowo 05-120
Contact : Zajezierska 
, Miss
, (Buyer, Seller, ) 

Based in Belgium Gourmand SA is a Processor, of Frozen Bakery, Frozen Desserts,

The address is Drève gustave Fache 6
 Mouscron 7700
Contact : Van Oudenhove 
, Mr
, (, Seller, ) 

Based in Russia Voskhod-Center Ltd. is a Processor, Retailer, Wholesaler, of Frozen Bakery,

Overview : Frozen bread and puff pastry from the manufacturer. Wholesale. Core business of the company - production and sale of part-baked and take-baked bread products. Voskhod-Center is a modern production company, making frozen bread, confectionery and puff pastry products - ciabattas, focaccia, French baguettes, classical Viennese pastries etc. Production sites are located in Moscow, Ufa, Novosibirsk. New production lines, up-to-date management systems and rigid control during each production stage ensure high stable level of quality and compliance with all requirements of certification authorities. We offer modern bread retailing solutions under brand BONAPE. All departments are located in well-known shopping centers, large federal and local retailers, as well as separate boulangeries. Our offer provides large assortment, installation and service support of bread departments.

The address is Silikatnaya 51 case 3
 Mytischi 141013
Contact : Skydchenko 
, Ms.
, (, Seller, ) 

Based in China Italia srl is a CoPacker, Agent, Trader, Importateur, Wholesaler, Caterer, Service, of Frozen Dairy, Frozen IceCream, Soup, Frozen Fish, Frozen Meat, Frozen Bakery, Frozen Desserts, Jam, PizzaPastaPies, PreparedFood, Drinks, DehydratedFood, RefrigeratedFood, Frozen Service,

The address is City Eastern District Hengxin Garden
 Zhongshan 528400
Contact : Garbellini 
, Direct Manager
, (Buyer, Seller, ) 

Based in Egypt Almasry for modern food industries is a Trader, Processor, Importateur, Retailer, of Frozen Potatoes, Frozen Vegetables, Frozen Fruits, Frozen Herbs, Frozen Fish, Frozen Meat, Frozen Bakery, Frozen Desserts, PizzaPastaPies, PreparedFood,

Overview : We are beef deboning and processing plant and expanded to frozen bakery factory

The address is Almokatum,5 naphora square
 Cairo 111
Contact : hamail 
, Chairman
, (Buyer, Seller, ) 

Based in Turkey Ongan Gida is a Processor, Wholesaler, of Frozen Bakery, Frozen Desserts, PizzaPastaPies,

Contact : ONGAN 
, (, Seller, ) 

Based in Poland "OMAR" Bakery is a Processor, of Frozen Bakery, PizzaPastaPies,

The address is Skrajna Street 88
 Kielce 25-650
Contact : Bozowski 
, Trade Manager
, (, Seller, ) 

Based in Croatia Nase klasje d.o.o. is a Processor, of Frozen Bakery, RefrigeratedFood,

The address is Raska 35
 Zagreb 10000
Contact : Simunic 
, Mr.
, (, Seller, ) 

Based in Czech Republic Odkolek Bakery CZECH is a Processor, Retailer, of Frozen Bakery,

Overview : - joing venture with Delta pekarny - products: bread, plain breads, gingerbread, deep-frozen products, pasta, fine baked goods - tunover of EUR 22 million in 2006 - producer an supply the bak

The address is Ke Klíčovu 56/1 , Praha 9
 190 02
 Czech Republic
, (Buyer, Seller, )