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Frozen Grouper Suppliers Manufacturers

Below you will find a list of suppliers, processors, producers, wholesalers, importers, traders, distributors Manufacturers of Frozen Grouper.
We do have a supplier in the world wide, wherever you are. Suppliers can offer you a wide choices of Frozen Grouper to your company.

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Based in USA JMT TRADING LLC is a Trader, Wholesaler, of Frozen Potatoes, Frozen Vegetables, Frozen Dairy, Frozen Fruits, Frozen Herbs, Frozen Mushrooms, Frozen IceCream, Soup, Frozen Fish, Frozen Meat, Frozen Bakery, Frozen Desserts, Jam, PizzaPastaPies, PreparedFood, Drinks, DehydratedFood, RefrigeratedFood, JuiceNotFrozen,

Overview : The company’s main aim and objective is to deliver quality products at affordable prices across the globe including Asian and Arab Countries. We are licensed suppliers of many reputable Food and Beverages products. We sell first quality products directly from the original manufacturers.

The address is 915 Main Street, Suite 2
 Hopkins 55343
Contact : Greyson 
, Mr
, (, Seller, ) 

Based in Germany Sultan Trade GmbH is a of Frozen Fish,

The address is Alt Nowawes 67
 Potsdam D - 14482
Contact : Kuntze 
, Managing Director
, (Buyer, Seller, ) 

Based in Vietnam TPP Food Co., Ltd is a Trader, Importateur, Wholesaler, Caterer, of Frozen Fish,

Overview : TPP Co., Ltd specializes in domestic trading & exporting a variety of frozen seafood products

The address is No. 267/38, Bui Dinh Tuy Street, Ward 24, Binh Thanh District,
 Ho Chi Minh 700000
Contact : Nguyen 
, (, Seller, ) 

Based in Canada Kalina Food Trading Company Inc. is a Processor, Wholesaler, of Frozen Fish,

Overview : KALINA FOOD TRADING COMPANY (“KFTC”) is a commodities trade firm and food distribution company, that develops international trade relationships for developing countries in established countries worldwide. The Principals of KFTC have been involved with the food and agriculture industry since 2009.

The address is 401 Logan Avenue, Suite 216
 Toronto M4M 2P2
Contact : Bahadur 
, Mr.
, (, Seller, ) 

Based in Slovenia PMRC doo is a Agent, Trader, Importateur, Wholesaler, of Frozen Vegetables, Frozen Fruits, Frozen Herbs, Frozen Mushrooms, Frozen Fish, Frozen Meat, Frozen Bakery, PizzaPastaPies, PreparedFood, Drinks, DehydratedFood, RefrigeratedFood,

The address is Slivje, 16
 Slivje 6242
Contact : Pregarz 
, Direktor
, (Buyer, Seller, ) 

Based in India COASTAL CATCH is a CoPacker, Agent, Trader, Wholesaler, of Frozen Fish,

Overview : International Seafood Trading Company based in India.

The address is NH 49, Madhura Highway
 Cochin 682301
Contact : V G 
, Mr
, (Buyer, Seller, ) 

Based in USA MARINA SEAFOODS I n t e r n a t i o n a l L L C is a Trader, of Frozen Fish,

The address is N Church Rd
 Saddle River, 07458
Contact : Moshe 
, Representative
, (, Seller, ) 

Based in Ireland Temple Seafood is a Agent, of Frozen Fish, Frozen Meat, RefrigeratedFood,

Overview : Seafood Agency

The address is 31 Temple Woods, Greenhills Road
 Dublin 24
Contact : Ruzé 
, (Buyer, Seller, ) 

Based in Sweden K/S Knold’s Seafood AB is a Trader, Processor, Wholesaler, of Frozen Fish,

Overview : eafood Experts K/S Knold’s Seafood AB export fresh seafood to the European Union, Asia, USA, North and South America and other key markets. We are periodically audited and certified by the Swedish food and drug authority and other major international certification bodies. We are certified for export to some major vendors in Asia, America, Europe, Africa and Australia and other parts of the globe We are a leading processing plant and major distributors of Fresh, frozen and processed seafood to many parts of the globe.. Every year we export and distribute a variety of seafood products which include Indian Mackerel, Tuna, Short-Bodied Mackerel, Illex Squid, Crabs, Shrimps, Sailfish, Oilfish

The address is Roxengatan 22
 Linköping 582 73
Contact : Lindholm 
, Mr
, (, Seller, ) 

Based in Indonesia PT. Arta Mina Tama is a CoPacker, Agent, Wholesaler, Service, of Frozen Fish, Frozen Meat, Frozen Service,

Overview : Our company "Arta Mina Tama ,PT" was established in 2001 in Jakarta, Indonesia. Starting as one of the leading supplier for most of the local packers and traditional market, we are expanding our capacity as seafood processor and targeting world wide seafood distribution. We have our own fishing vessels as our main source and also supported by other vessels as well. Cold Storage with storage capacity of 1,000 MT set to minus 25 degree Celsius, Quick Freezing with both Brine Freezer and Air Blast Freezer set to minus 40 degree Celsius. ensuring quantity and quality of our products Safe and Healthy products are our priority and main concern. To achieve this, we are implementing principles of HACCP (Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point), GMP (Good Manufacturing Practice) and SSOP (Sanitation Standard Operating Procedure) in every level and line of our seafood processing. Halal, FDA and EU approval

The address is Jl. Cumi Raya Blok E No.1A
 jakarta 14440
Contact : nolastname 
, Mr.
, (, Seller, ) 

Based in Cameroon CONGELCAM SA is a Processor, Wholesaler, Service, of Frozen Fish, Frozen Meat, Drinks, Frozen Service,

Overview : La société CONGELCAM SA est aujourd’hui leader au Cameroun dans l’importation, la distribution et la vente des produits de mer grâce au génie de son Président Directeur Général qui a su au fil des ans developper une stratégie de croissance par réinvestissement et surtout par la mise en place progessive d’une équipe de professionels multidisciplinaires pour sous tendre cette politique de management. Aujourd’hui, les activités de CONGELCAM consistent essentiellement en l’importation, la distribution et la vente des produits de la mer et de certaines viandes. Ainsi, l’entreprise dispose de plusieurs sites d’entreposage de grandes envergures à Douala, terminus des bateaux d’importation. Des camions frigorifiques sont chargés d’acheminer les produits ainsi stockées vers d’autres sites disséminés dans les regions du cameroun. De là, des camions plus légers pourront ravitailler les points de vente. L’exceptionnelle capacité logistique actuelle de CONGELCAM permet de réceptionner un bateau entier de produits pratiquement tous les 5 jours, faisant d’elle le leader national incontesté sur le marché du poisson et de la volaille. Nous pratiquons une politique sociale en contribution aux cotés de l’Etat à la lutte contre le chômage et la vie chère: CONGELCAM emploie aujourd’hui directement près de 2000 personnes et génère indirectement plus de 3000 autres emplois au travers de ses partenaires locaux de prestation de services.

The address is Yaoundé B.P.: 718
 Yaounde 718
Contact : Sadio 
, Sales Marketer
, (, Seller, ) 

Based in India Zayan Trading Company is a CoPacker, Agent, Trader, Processor, Wholesaler, Service, of Frozen Vegetables, Frozen Fish, Frozen Service,

Overview : We provide complete solution for the supply Fresh & Frozen Seafood for International & Domestic Marketplace. We deal with Catering Institutions, Wholesalers, Traders, Importers & International Stockists.

The address is Cochin Area
 Cochin 682007
Contact : R. Naina 
Ahamed Sufian
, Mr.
, (Buyer, Seller, ) 

Based in New Zealand Advanced Marketing is a Trader, of Frozen Vegetables, Frozen Fish, Frozen Meat,

Overview : Established Meat and Seafood Trader since 1986

The address is L2/27Bath St
 Auckland 1052
 New Zealand
Contact : Park 
, Mr
, (Buyer, Seller, ) 

Based in USA SEAFOOD SOURCE USA is a Agent, Trader, Retailer, Wholesaler, of Frozen Fish, Frozen Meat,

Overview : Seafood Source USA is the leading exporter of seafood USA and Australia and Europe . We ensure freshness, colour and fat content of our products. send us inquires for more details thanks.

The address is 1841 Glacier Hwy, Juneau, AK 99801
 Juneau 99801
Contact : Williams 
, Seafood Source USA
, (, Seller, )