Based in Chile GEDIMEXCHILE is a Agent, of Frozen Potatoes, Frozen Vegetables, Frozen Fruits, DehydratedFood,
Type of Business partners :
The number of employees is 1 – 10.

french fries papas fritas mash potato escama de papa

Contact details of GEDIMEXCHILE

The address is : Vital Apoquindo 445 d-32, Santiago 00000001, Chile
The contact person of this file is : Jimeno Leon Felipe, , (Seller, ).
Tel : 74749692


Process IQF Frozen Vegetables

Process Frozen Bundles other vegetables

Process IQF Frozen Vegetables Frozen Mixed vegetables

Process Frozen Mixed vegetables European

Trade IQF Frozen Vegetables IQF Frozen Asparagus Green

Trade IQF Frozen Vegetables IQF Frozen Broccoli

Process Frozen Potatoes Frozen French fries


Process Frozen French fries Regular 10 x 10

Process Frozen French fries Regular 11 x 11

Process Frozen French fries Regular 12 x 12

Process Frozen French fries Regular 6 x 6

Process Frozen French fries Regular 7 x 7

Process Frozen French fries Steack House

Process Frozen Potatoes Frozen Fried Sliced Potatoes

Process Frozen Potatoes Frozen Julienne potatoes

Process Frozen Mashed potatoes Rings of mashed potatoes

Process Frozen Potatoes Frozen Parisian potatoes

Process Frozen Potatoes Frozen Pomme noisette

Process Frozen Potatoes Frozen Potato croquettes

Process Frozen Potatoes Frozen Potato Duchesse