Fruit All Seasons

About Fruit All Seasons

Based in Costa Rica Fruit All Seasons is a Processor, of Frozen Fruits,
Type of Business partners :
The number of employees is 61 - 500.

Fruit All Seasons is located at Pital de San Carlos, strategically positioned in the most important pineapple area of Costa Rica. Currently, it can industrialize about 20 thousand metric tons of fresh pineapple, through an automated peeling and cutting process, before the IQF, following a series of certified technical specifications to guarantee a safe frozen product that meets and exceeds all quality parameters, flavor, and microbiology. Leading company in the export market of certified organic pineapple, such as chunks, among others. Fruit All Seasons has vast experience in the American, European and Asian markets, always trying to provide quality and satisfaction to its clients.

Contact details of Fruit All Seasons

The address is : Pital, San Carlos., San Carlos, Costa Rica
The contact person of this file is : Pereira Castro Ariela, Sales, (Seller, ).
Tel : (506)86354876

Fruit All Seasons Products

Process IQF Frozen Fruit IQF Frozen Pineapple

Brix grade> 14 deep yellow / Certified Organic Pineapple MD2 (Own plantations) / All cuts (Chunks, Tidbits, Dices, Off Cut) / Variety of packaging (all sizes up to 40 Lbs) / Conservation in frozen Organic