Grand Priority X Ltd Meditera

About Grand Priority X Ltd Meditera

Based in Croatia Grand Priority X Ltd Meditera is a Trader, Wholesaler, of Frozen Vegetables, Frozen Fruits, Soup, Frozen Desserts, Jam,
Type of Business partners :
The number of employees is 1 – 10.

Receive a sincerely greeting. Our company Grand Priority X Ltd Meditera Group, my name is Damir Dobrinich and Partner Vasko Petrovskie and I am the C/o of the company GPX Ltd Meditera Group, one of the most renowned Export Companies in Macedonia and Croatia for all Food & Beverage . Company Grand Priority Meditera Group is a distributor of food service products and premium alcoholic beverages. Our independent Food Division supplies a full line of produce, frozen IQF fruits , , dry groceries, refrigerated foods, industry line , supplies to eu & Overseas and other institutional businesses. Our independent food & beverage distributes products as well as many well recognized imports brands. What you need we serve you that ! In One Portfolio 95 Companies Sugar Fresh Fruit IQF Fruit Jams Biscuits Pastry line for industry use Pralines Chocolates We conducted Food & Beverage campaigns that have been successful in sales since we have professionals with extensive experience and we have the latest product of the moment. For a complete sample of our potfoilio for our services, please contact us at the telephone number or email attached. It will be our pleasure to have you as one of our customers/clients

Contact details of Grand Priority X Ltd Meditera

The address is : Goce Delceva 107, Sibenik 2400, Croatia
The contact person of this file is : Dobrinic Damir, Owner, (Seller, ).
Tel : 0038975353595
Website :

Grand Priority X Ltd Meditera Products

Trade IQF Frozen Fruit


Trade IQF Frozen Fruit Frozen BQF Strawberries

Trade IQF Frozen Fruit Frozen Cherries

Trade IQF Frozen Fruit Frozen Raspberries

Trade IQF Frozen Fruit Frozen Strawberries

Trade IQF Frozen Apple Other