Based in Egypt ICAPP is a Processor, of Frozen Potatoes, Frozen Vegetables, Frozen Fruits,
Type of Business partners : Processor, Importateur, Wholesaler, Supermarket, Caterer,

Contact details of ICAPP

The address is : Industrial Zone A2 (lot W),, 10th of Ramadan City, Egypt
The contact person of this file is : Youssef Mr. Mohamed, Export Manager, (Buyer, Seller, ).
Tel : +2055 4411621 / 23 / 24
Website : www.icapp.com.eg

ICAPP Products

Process Frozen French fries Crinkle

11x11mm Crinkle cutting size 11 mm ( Palm oil ) Origin: Egypt 1 Kg and 2.5 Kg

Process IQF Frozen Fruit

Process IQF Frozen Vegetables