Mariso Seafood LLC

About Mariso Seafood LLC

Based in Estonia Mariso Seafood LLC is a Trader, Importateur, Wholesaler, of Frozen Fish,
Type of Business partners :
The number of employees is 1 – 10.

We import and distribute frozen fish from Vietnam. Specialize in YF tuna, Oilfish, Marlin, Swordfish,...

Contact details of Mariso Seafood LLC

The address is : Peterburi tee 90F, Tallinn 11415, Estonia
The contact person of this file is : Zeinalova Seviliia, , (Seller, ).
Tel : +37258602280

Mariso Seafood LLC Products

Trade Frozen Fish, Frozen seafood

Trade Frozen Fish, Frozen seafood Frozen Fish

Trade Frozen Fish Frozen Marlin

Trade Frozen Fish Frozen Shark

Trade Frozen Fish Frozen Swordfish

Trade Frozen Fish Frozen Tuna

Trade Other sea products Other