FHG Fleischhandelsgesellschaft

About FHG Fleischhandelsgesellschaft

Based in Germany FHG Fleischhandelsgesellschaft is a Trader, Wholesaler, of Frozen Meat,
Type of Business partners :
The number of employees is 11 – 60.

FHG is situated in the heart of Germany near the heath land of Lüneburg. Here you will find our meat wholesale as well as our cold store and repack center. We are a competent partner for the trade with pork by-products, packaging, freezing and storing of a variety of fresh and frozen food. We can also help with the export to third countries and all the dealings with related customs and veterinary formalities. Some of our priorities are satisfied customers through good service and flexible business hours. National suppliers as well as international clients already profit of our flexible working structure.

Contact details of FHG Fleischhandelsgesellschaft

The address is : Wiesendamm 1, Wittingen 29378, Germany
The contact person of this file is : Meinersmann Henrik, , (Seller, ).
Tel : 0049/58317721
Website : www.fhg-wittingen.de

FHG Fleischhandelsgesellschaft Products

Trade Frozen Meat products