Point of food

About Point of food

Based in Germany Point of food is a Trader, Processor, of PizzaPastaPies,
It offers the following certifications : IFS Food Standard.
Type of Business partners :
The number of employees is 11 – 60.

25 years of experience in the food service field

Contact details of Point of food

The address is : Westring, Recklinghausen 45659, Germany
The contact person of this file is : Weibel Delphine, Miss, (Seller, ).
Tel : +492361923810
Website : www.point-of-food.de/

Point of food Products

Process Frozen Pizza, Pie, Pasta Frozen Dough for Pizza or other bakery

Trade Frozen Pizza, Pie, Pasta Frozen Pizza


Trade Frozen Pizza Firewood

without sauce, or in margherita cooked

Trade Frozen Pizza Other

care pizza, fit pizza cooked

Trade Frozen Pizza Pizza Snack

stoneoven, easy pizza cooked

Trade Frozen Pizza Stoneoven

with or without sauce/ cheese cooked

Trade Frozen Pizza, Pie, Pasta Garnish for Pizza