Allfood Lebensmittel

About Allfood Lebensmittel

Based in Germany Allfood Lebensmittel is a Wholesaler, of Frozen Vegetables, Frozen Fruits,
Type of Business partners :

Contact details of Allfood Lebensmittel

The address is : Bavariaring 2, MunchenR 80336, Germany
The contact person of this file is : Muller Gerhard, , (Buyer, Seller, ).
Tel : 0049 89 5 14550
Website :

Allfood Lebensmittel Products

Process IQF Frozen Vegetables IQF Frozen Green Beans

Process IQF Frozen Vegetables IQF Frozen Carrot

Process IQF Frozen Vegetables

Process IQF Frozen Fruit IQF Frozen Strawberries

Process IQF Frozen Fruit