Based in Greece PASTA METAXA is a Processor, of PizzaPastaPies,
Type of Business partners :
The number of employees is 11 – 60.

The activity of the company Pasta Metaxa, dates back in 1996 when George Metaxas established a family pizzeria in the city center of Katerini, a city in northern.Greece. The great response of the public, towards to the company's products in combination with experience of many years in the sector of food service, ongoing study of the nutritional needs and habits of the consumers had as result,in 2006 the creation of a factory with a high technology production line for the production of pizza , pasta and related products. The company's products are address to the wider market, such as super markets,hotels, catering companies, food service centers etc. Pasta Metaxa, is a constantly developing company with collaborations in national and international level . The products of our company, fully correspond with the requirements of the consumers for exquisite quality , exceptional flavor and easy preparation .

Contact details of PASTA METAXA

The address is : 2nd KLM KATERINI-NEA EFESSOS, Katerini 60100, Greece
The contact person of this file is : Metaxas Nikolaos, Mr, (Seller, ).
Tel : 00302351076253
Website :


Process Trade Frozen Pizza, Pie, Pasta

Process Trade Frozen Pizza, Pie, Pasta Frozen Pasta

Process Trade Frozen Pizza, Pie, Pasta Frozen Pizza