Based in India AL-QURESH EXPORTS is a Processor, of Frozen Meat,
Type of Business partners :
The number of employees is 61 - 500.

We have been serving the bovine meat appetite of around thirty countries in the world. With increasing facilities closer to the major buffalo centres in India, we are striving to become one of the favourite sources of fine buffalo meat from Asia. While we have been in business since 1987, we do not hesitate to say that we enjoy learning as we grow every day. Whether you need Topside, Tenderloin or Striploin or whether you need Silverside, Thick Flank or Knuckle – treat yourselves to a decent range of fine meat from the house of Al-Quresh Exports. Well, you could say – “You need it. We have it.” For further information, please send your detail inquiries to us : Skype : al-qureshexports

Contact details of AL-QURESH EXPORTS

The address is : Dattatrya, Mumbai 400 054, India
The contact person of this file is : Tai Hien Nguyen, International Salesman, (Seller, ).
Tel : +91 22 2660 3497
Website :


Process Frozen Meat products Frozen Buffalo