Bumi Menara Internusa, PT

About Bumi Menara Internusa, PT

Based in Indonesia Bumi Menara Internusa, PT is a CoPacker, Agent, Trader, Processor, Wholesaler, Service, of Soup, Frozen Fish, Frozen Service,
Type of Business partners :
The number of employees is 500 - +.

Located in Indonesia, PT Bumi Menara Internusa (BMI) serves the world with quality and nutritious seafood products ranging from fresh shrimp and crab to species of fish. Benefiting from two decades of experience, BMI presently operates a number of facilities in Indonesia to fulfill the world’s demand for quality seafood products. We usually provide to many country in the world : Europe, America, Australia, and Asia.

Contact details of Bumi Menara Internusa, PT

The address is : Margomulyo 4e, Surabaya 75273, Indonesia
The contact person of this file is : Franky Mr, MR, (Seller, ).
Tel : +62317491000
Website : www.ptbmi.com

Bumi Menara Internusa, PT Products

Process Frozen Fish, Frozen seafood

Process Frozen Fish, Frozen seafood Frozen Fish

Process Frozen Fish Frozen Grouper

Process Frozen Fish Frozen Mullet

Process Frozen Fish Frozen Sea bream

Process Frozen Fish Frozen Tuna

Process Frozen Molluscs Frozen Cuttle fish

Process Frozen Molluscs Frozen Octopus

Process Frozen Fish, Frozen seafood IQF Sushi

Process Other sea products Frozen Fish skewers

Process Other sea products Frozen Steak fish