Balinusa Windumas

About Balinusa Windumas

Based in Indonesia Balinusa Windumas is a CoPacker, Trader, Wholesaler, of Frozen Fish,
Type of Business partners :
The number of employees is 61 - 500.

a company with HACCP BRC certified, selling frozen tuna fillet saku steak poke cube with co-treated/non co

Contact details of Balinusa Windumas

The address is : jl ikan tuna II no 1, denpasar 80223, Indonesia
The contact person of this file is : Skom sudarwan, mr, (Seller, ).
Tel : 8123880588
Website :

Balinusa Windumas Products

Process Frozen Fish, Frozen seafood

Process Frozen Fish, Frozen seafood Frozen Fish

Process Frozen Fish Frozen Tuna