PT. Pangansari Utama Food Industry

About PT. Pangansari Utama Food Industry

Based in Indonesia PT. Pangansari Utama Food Industry is a Processor, Importateur, Retailer, Wholesaler, Caterer, of Frozen Vegetables, Frozen Fish, Frozen Meat, Frozen Bakery, Frozen Desserts, PizzaPastaPies, PreparedFood,
Type of Business partners :
The number of employees is 61 - 500.

100 000 meals a day for catering

Contact details of PT. Pangansari Utama Food Industry

The address is : Jl. Raya Poncol no. 24, Jakarta 13740, Indonesia
The contact person of this file is : Waas Mr. Yani A., , (Seller, ).
Tel : +62218717870
Website :

PT. Pangansari Utama Food Industry Products

Process Trade Frozen Prepared Food

Coated Battered Fried cooked

Process Trade Frozen Prepared Food Frozen Ready-meals

Coated Battered Fried Grilled cooked

Process Trade Frozen Ready-meals Frozen Asian Food

Coated Battered Fried Grilled cooked