Metafora Vittorio S.r.l.

About Metafora Vittorio S.r.l.

Based in Italy Metafora Vittorio S.r.l. is a Trader, Processor, of Frozen Dairy, Frozen Bakery, Frozen Desserts, PizzaPastaPies, JuiceNotFrozen,
Type of Business partners :
The number of employees is 11 – 60.

Frozen foods trader and exporter

Contact details of Metafora Vittorio S.r.l.

The address is : Via Capurro 13, Napoli 80123, Italy
The contact person of this file is : Metafora Vittorio, Dr, (Buyer, Seller, ).
Tel : +390815754091
Website :

Metafora Vittorio S.r.l. Products

Trade Frozen Dairy, Frozen Egg

Trade Frozen Dairy, Frozen Egg Frozen Cheese