Eurofruti shpk

About Eurofruti shpk

Based in Kosovo Eurofruti shpk is a Trader, Processor, Wholesaler, of Frozen Fruits, Frozen Mushrooms,
Type of Business partners :
The number of employees is 11 – 60.

Company Profile Eurofruti Sh.p.k has been established officially in 2001 but it has been working since the 90s on the family business . We have more than 30 years of experience on collecting , processing , storing and exporting a wide range of wild and cultivated fruits and mushrooms . Since our establishment in 2001 , we have constantly improved our processes and methods of providing the best opportunities for our buyers in the EU market and also for our local harvesters . Our staff consists of 25 full-time workers (90% of our staff is made of female workers), and around 20 seasonal workers . They are all trained based on European Practices and Standards , and receive additional recall trainings at least once a year . We collect about 2000 Tons of a wide range of products like Wild Berries ( Blueberries , blackberries , strawberries ) , Cultivated Berries ( Raspberries , Strawberries , Blackberries , Blueberries ) , Cherries , Plums and also Mushrooms ( Varieties in Latin : Boletus Edulis , Chantarella Cibarius and Lactarius Deliciosus ) By improving every step of the process, from harvesting to packaging , we can make sure to produce qualitative and safe products for our demands . Our Agronomers are near our Farmers to help them for their every need , from planting to harvesting . Our Farmers are Certificated with the Global Good Agricultural Practice (GAP) , a standard for management practice . Currently we have over 350 Farmers which deliver their products to our company. We are certified with the following Standards : HACCP , ISO22000 , ISO9001 , ORGANIC BIO and GlobalGAP. We export 99% of our products in the EU Market , in states like Germany , Switzerland , Holland , Hungary , Poland , Italy and on the Middle East like Turkey etc

Contact details of Eurofruti shpk

The address is : Mramor/Prishtine, Prishtine 10000, Kosovo
The contact person of this file is : Gashi Sadie, Manager, (Seller, ).
Tel : +38349703602
Website :

Eurofruti shpk Products

Process IQF Frozen Fruit

Process IQF Frozen Mushrooms