About JSC M&KO

Based in Lithuania JSC M&KO is a Importateur, of Frozen Fruits, Frozen Mushrooms,
Type of Business partners :
The number of employees is 11 – 60.

The main activity of the enterprise - wild mushrooms and berries wholesale. We purchase, prepare (sorting, packing) and realize a wide variety of mushrooms ( chantarelles, edible boletus, bay boletusand etc.) and berries ( bilberries, wild strawberries, cranberries and etc.)

Contact details of JSC M&KO

The address is : Savanoriu str .7, Varėna 65186, Lithuania
The contact person of this file is : Juskevicius Marius, , (Seller, ).
Tel : 37069999630
Website : www.chanterelles.lt

JSC M&KO Products

Trade Buy IQF Frozen Fruit

Trade Buy IQF Frozen Mushrooms