JSC A.Tarailos logistic

About JSC A.Tarailos logistic

Based in Lithuania JSC A.Tarailos logistic is a Trader, Processor, Importateur, Retailer, Wholesaler, of Frozen Vegetables, Frozen Fruits, Frozen Mushrooms,
Type of Business partners : Wholesaler, Supermarket, Caterer,
The number of employees is 11 – 60.

JSC A.Tarailos logistika main activity is processing wild mushrooms and berries. We could suggest fresh, frozen, dried, marinated mushrooms, fresh, frozen berries. Stuff of this company is working more than 15 years in such kind of business. Quality guarantee our future stability.

Contact details of JSC A.Tarailos logistic

The address is : Sermuksniu 1-12a, Vilnius, Lithuania
The contact person of this file is : Tarailaite Mrs Gintare, , (Buyer, Seller, ).
Tel : +37068710594
Website : www.taraila.lt

JSC A.Tarailos logistic Products

Process Trade IQF Frozen Mushrooms

Process Trade Buy IQF Frozen Mushrooms IQF Frozen Boletus

Process Trade Buy IQF Frozen Mushrooms IQF Frozen Chanterelles