Based in Norway M & AK HOLDING AS is a Trader, Processor, Importateur, Wholesaler, of Frozen Mushrooms, Frozen Fish, Frozen Meat,
Type of Business partners :
The number of employees is 61 - 500.

M & AK HOLDING AS was founded in the year 1990 and then expanded into a wide variety of products distribution in food and beverages with agricultural and by-product activities in 2006-11-29. The company has created a buzz in the domestic and international markets owing to the quality it offers. Under the leadership of eminent mentors, the company has grown by leaps and bounds. And we try to keep our customers happy by constant availability and top quality of our constant supplies.

Contact details of M & AK HOLDING AS

The address is : Tassåsvegen, Oslo 0034, Norway
The contact person of this file is : Laurence Makson, Mr, (Seller, ).
Tel : +47659936614
Website : makholdingas.com

M & AK HOLDING AS Products

Process Trade Frozen Fish, Frozen seafood Frozen Fish

Trade Frozen Fish Frozen Marlin

Process Trade Frozen Fish Frozen Monkfish or Anglerfish

Process Trade Frozen Fish Frozen Shark

Process Trade Frozen Fish Frozen Swordfish

Process Trade Frozen Fish Frozen Trout

Process Trade Frozen Fish Frozen Tuna

Process Trade Frozen Fish Frozen Turbot

Process Trade Frozen Fish Frozen Whiting

Process Trade Frozen Shellfish Frozen Lobster

Process Trade Frozen Shellfish Frozen Mixed shellfish

Process Trade Frozen Shellfish Frozen prawns kief

Process Trade Frozen Shellfish Frozen shrimps in rosette

Process Trade Frozen Shellfish Frozen tail prawns