Bjørn Haug AS

About Bjørn Haug AS

Based in Norway Bjørn Haug AS is a Trader, Processor, Wholesaler, of Frozen Fish,
Type of Business partners :
The number of employees is 11 – 60.

Bjørn Haug AS is located at the address Oserødmyra 2, 3138 Skallestad, Norway. The company was created on the 20/11/1997 and registered on the 01/27/1998. We have been in the seafood business for more than 15 years

Contact details of Bjørn Haug AS

The address is : OSERØDMYRA 2, SKALLESTAD 3138, Norway
The contact person of this file is : Jade Robert, Mr, (Seller, ).
Tel : +4723966696
Website :

Bjørn Haug AS Products

Process Trade Frozen Fish, Frozen seafood

Process Trade Frozen Fish, Frozen seafood Frozen Fish

Process Trade Frozen Fish Frozen Cod

Process Trade Frozen Fish Frozen Haddock

Process Trade Frozen Fish Frozen Halibut

Process Trade Frozen Fish Frozen Mackerel

Process Trade Frozen Fish Frozen Salmon, saumonette

Process Trade Frozen Fish Other