Litera Meat

About Litera Meat

Based in Poland Litera Meat is a Processor, of Frozen Meat,
Type of Business partners :
The number of employees is 500 - +.

We’re a cluster of 5 companies across Europe, with facilities in Hungary, Poland, and Italy specialized in PORK. We will soon be inaugurating in Spain one of the largest and most modern slaughterhouses in Europe “Litera Meat”. Currently we process 6.5 million pigs per year. With the addition of Litera Meat, our slaughtering capacity of 30.000 pigs per day will expand even more.

Contact details of Litera Meat

The address is : Wschodnia 21, Kutno 99-300, Poland
The contact person of this file is : DeSouza Gregory, Export Manager, (Seller, ).
Tel : +34622737072
Website :

Litera Meat Products

Process Frozen Meat products Frozen Pork

Process Trade Frozen Pork Frozen Ground pork

Process Trade Frozen Pork Frozen kidney

Process Trade Frozen Pork Frozen tripes and offals

Process Trade Frozen Pork Other