FROST Barbara Wegenke

About FROST Barbara Wegenke

Based in Poland FROST Barbara Wegenke is a Processor, of Frozen Vegetables, Frozen Fruits,
Type of Business partners : Processor, Importateur, Wholesaler,

Contact details of FROST Barbara Wegenke

The address is : Jarogniewice, ul. Ogrodowa 1a, Czempiń 64 - 020, Poland
The contact person of this file is : PEPETA Anna, export manager, (Seller, ).
Tel : 00 48 61 28 23 062
Website :

FROST Barbara Wegenke Products

Process IQF Frozen Fruit

Process IQF Frozen Fruit IQF Frozen Cherries

Process IQF Frozen Fruit IQF Frozen Currants


Process IQF Frozen Fruit IQF Frozen Strawberries

Process IQF Frozen Vegetables

Process IQF Frozen Vegetables IQF Frozen Onion