Carina - Produtos Alimentares, Lda

About Carina - Produtos Alimentares, Lda

Based in Portugal Carina - Produtos Alimentares, Lda is a Processor, of Frozen Fish, Frozen Meat, PreparedFood,
Type of Business partners :
The number of employees is 11 – 60.

The Carina - Food Products Ltd is a company established in 1988 that engaged in the manufacture of Pre-Cooked Frozen Ultra. Since the beginning of its activity had a rapid growth and wealth, which possible to develop a productive structure well prepared, and due to consolidation / implementation in the domestic market. Based in the city of Chaves, Carina Ltd, currently has a staff of 55 permanent employees with experience appropriate professional in the business. When necessary, the company is prepared to complement their skills with collaborations and external partnerships. The administration takes a commitment to training, innovation, quality, and in developing methods of organization, one oriented development and continuous improvement

Contact details of Carina - Produtos Alimentares, Lda

The address is : Parque Industrial Lote 23, Chaves 5400, Portugal
The contact person of this file is : Lamas Marco, Eng., (Seller, ).
Tel : +351 933255599
Website :

Carina - Produtos Alimentares, Lda Products

Process Frozen Prepared Food

Fried Breaded cooked Kosher

Process Frozen Snack, Finger food Frozen Crepes

Process Frozen Snack, Finger food Frozen Croquettes

Process Frozen Snack, Finger food Frozen European Snack

Process Frozen Snack, Finger food Frozen Filled bread roll

Process Frozen Snack, Finger food Frozen Hot dog