Agrium sh.p.k

About Agrium sh.p.k

Based in Serbia Agrium sh.p.k is a Trader, Wholesaler, of Frozen Fruits,
Type of Business partners :
The number of employees is 11 – 60.

Agrium sh.p.k. is an agriculture trading company based in Ferizaj, Kosovo. Our main activities are: 1. Wholesaling of seeds plants and fertilizers in Kosovo and Albania 2. Collecting, freezing and exporting berries to the European Union.

Contact details of Agrium sh.p.k

The address is : Lloshkobare p.n., Ferizaj 70000, Serbia
The contact person of this file is : Isufi Leutrim, Mr, (Seller, ).
Tel : 37744746764
Website :

Agrium sh.p.k Products

Trade IQF Frozen Fruit Frozen Raspberries

Trade IQF Frozen Fruit Frozen Strawberries

Trade IQF Frozen Fruit IQF Frozen Berry

Trade IQF Frozen Fruit IQF Frozen Blackberry

Trade IQF Frozen Fruit IQF Frozen Raspberries