
About Frost-Line

Based in Serbia Frost-Line is a Trader, Wholesaler, of Frozen Fruits,
Type of Business partners :
The number of employees is 11 – 60.

Dear Sirs, We would like to present our company Frost-Line doo involved in collection of healthy and high quality fruits from the hearth of Serbia. We are collecting fruits from central and western Serbia, where the best fruits are grown and travel all around the world. We are present on the market around 10 years, successfully obtaining all quantity and quality asked by our Buyers from many countries. Our assortment are all kind of frozen fruits as raspberry, blackberry, plum, sour cherry and other. Thank you in advance Jovan

Contact details of Frost-Line

The address is : Palih boraca 10, Belgrade 11000, Serbia
The contact person of this file is : Cvetkovic Jovan, Sales manager, (Seller, ).
Tel : +38163215690
Website :

Frost-Line Products

Trade IQF Frozen Fruit

Trade IQF Frozen Fruit Frozen Cherries

Trade IQF Frozen Fruit Frozen Raspberries

Trade IQF Frozen Fruit Frozen Strawberries

Trade IQF Frozen Fruit IQF Frozen Apricot

Trade IQF Frozen Fruit IQF Frozen Blackberry

Trade IQF Frozen Fruit IQF Frozen Plum or Prune

Trade IQF Frozen Fruit IQF Frozen Raspberries

Trade IQF Frozen Fruit IQF Frozen Strawberries