Frigorifics Costa Brava

About Frigorifics Costa Brava

Based in Spain Frigorifics Costa Brava is a Trader, of Frozen Meat,
Type of Business partners :
The number of employees is 500 - +.

I am pleased to introduce to you Frigorifics Costa Brava. Our company has more than 40 years of experience in the pork meat industry making us one of the leading slaughterhouses and cutting plants in Spain. At the moment we are slaughtering approximately 39,000 hogs per week and exporting more than 70% of our production worldwide.

Contact details of Frigorifics Costa Brava

The address is : Crta. Riudellots a Cassà, km.3, Girona, Riudellots de la Selva 17457, Spain
The contact person of this file is : Bas Anton, Mr., (Seller, ).
Tel : 0034 972477084
Website :

Frigorifics Costa Brava Products

Trade Frozen Meat products

Trade Frozen Meat products Frozen Pork

Trade Frozen Pork Frozen kidney

Trade Frozen Pork Frozen tripes and offals

Trade Frozen Pork Other