IBIC International Trading

About IBIC International Trading

Based in Egypt IBIC International Trading is a Trader, Processor, Wholesaler, of Frozen Potatoes, Frozen Vegetables, Frozen Fruits, PreparedFood,
It offers the following certifications : ISO 22000, ISO 9001, Global Gap, HACCP, Sedex and.
Type of Business partners :
The number of employees is 11 – 60.
The brands are : La Vida.

IBIC International Trading is an Egyptian Company registered in the manufacturing, international trading, export and import, distribution, and commercial agencies. IBIC is focused on agriculture, food processing and supply, frozen fruits, vegetables, and food commodities produced under our brand La Vida, with our factory located in Kafr El Sheikh - Egypt, and sales offices in Italy, USA, Russia and Saudi Arabia. Based on our rigorous commitment to the highest standards of quality, we insist on controlling the production cycle from farm to final product, with visibility and quality assurance at each phase. Through our regular inspection and monitoring, our products have acquired a reputation of consistency as well as quality. We further employ the latest technology of IQF Freezing to ensure quality, freshness and shelf-life is maintained at the highest parameters. IBIC International Trading & Investment is equipped with all international accreditation from ISO 22000, ISO 9001, Global Gap, HACCP, Sedex and FDA

Contact details of IBIC International Trading

The address is : Villa 15 - Area F - North 90 - New, Cairo 11835, Egypt
The contact person of this file is : Al-menshawy AbdulRahman, CEO, (Seller, ).
Tel : +201276017092
Website : www.ibicgroup.com

IBIC International Trading Products