Based in Serbia NUTRIGROVE is a CoPacker, Agent, Trader, Processor, Wholesaler, of Frozen Vegetables, Frozen Fruits, Frozen Mushrooms,
Type of Business partners :
The number of employees is 1 – 10.

In Serbia we operate with the name NUTRIGROVE DOO and the main activity of company is production and distribution of fresh, dry and frozen fruits and vegetables. Also, in our organization work there are other companies that also operates the needs of our customers. We perform at the low level on domestic market, but we are on high level for international market.

Contact details of NUTRIGROVE

The address is : Damjana Maksica str., Trstenik 37240, Serbia
The contact person of this file is : Durdevic Nikola, Mr.`, (Buyer, Seller, ).
Tel : +381659991124
Website :