Rella Unlu Mamuller AŞ.

About Rella Unlu Mamuller AŞ.

Based in Turkey Rella Unlu Mamuller AŞ. is a Processor, of Frozen Bakery,
Type of Business partners :
The number of employees is 11 – 60.

Frozen Cake and souffle

Contact details of Rella Unlu Mamuller AŞ.

The address is : Istanbul, Istanbul, Turkey
The contact person of this file is : Ozdemir Mehmet, Export Manager, (Seller, ).
Tel : +90 530 5559659
Website :

Rella Unlu Mamuller AŞ. Products

Trade Frozen Biscuits Frozen Cookies

Trade Frozen Desserts Frozen Cakes

Trade Frozen Cakes Frozen Black forest

Trade Frozen Cakes Frozen Cheesecakes

Trade Frozen Cakes Frozen Tiramisu