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Based in Ecuador El Frutal is a CoPacker, Processor, of Frozen Fruits,

Overview : El Frutal was founded to serve the international market with the best tropical fruit ( Fresh and frozen fruit ). We offer diferents kinds of presentations for the final customer or as raw material on a number of industries. We have certified international best practices. We use technology for control, safety, and attention to time, cost, and quality of our products and we are socially and environmentally responsible.

The address is MAnta plaza becah
 MAnta 1308108
Contact : Viteri 
, (, Seller, ) 

Based in Ecuador PROFRUTAS CIA. LTDA is a Trader, Processor, Wholesaler, of Frozen Vegetables, Frozen Fruits, Jam, PreparedFood, RefrigeratedFood, JuiceNotFrozen,

Overview : Company dedicated to the transformation of food with more than 30 years in the market. The main products to offer are Frozen Fruit Pulp and IQF Fruit and Vegetable Products.

The address is KM10.5 VIA DAULE
Contact : SALCEDO 
, MS.
, (Buyer, Seller, )