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Based in Thailand MPN Intertrtade Co., Ltd. is a Trader, Service, of Frozen Vegetables, Frozen Fruits, Soup, Drinks, DehydratedFood, Frozen Service,

Overview : If you are the one who is looking for the Thai products, we are here to support you. MPN Intertrade Co., Ltd. currently do business to export and sourcing Thai local products which are available for OEM/Private labelling, for examples are fruits, foods, beverage, and etc. We recently deals the business to export Frozen fruits to globe market as main category besides Fresh fruit and Dehydrate fruits. Moreover, we concern to Food Safety regulation from the factory to consumers' hands. We carefully select the international suppliers who are certified by GMP, HACCP, ISO9001, BRC global standard to guarantee our customers would be delivered the quality products. Our main Markets are USA, Australia, UAE, Ukraine and Hong Kong and we are keening to open the new market in Europe, Canada, and South America. We are available for your inquiry at anytime, please do not hesitate to contact us.

The address is 80/112 Moo 3, Baansuan Mueang
 Rayong 20000
Contact : Phiphitkul 
, Mr.
, (, Seller, )