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Frozen legs Suppliers Manufacturers

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Based in Egypt GS ALSalam is a Trader, of Frozen Vegetables, Frozen Fruits, Frozen Fish, Frozen Meat,

Overview : GS Alsalam Company for Importing and Exporting, Is a trading and Marketing company since 2009 in the sector of food( Poultry , Meet , Seafood , Vegetables , fruits and Lentils ), Our main office based in Egypt , for more over than 4 years now we have our customers from so many countries such as Dubai , Algeria , Egypt , Saudi Arabia , China ,Romania , Ukraine , Russia , Bangladesh and other countries , as our database ended with 100 buyers at the end of 2012 , As we are enlarge our purchase sectors now as the more demands for all the mentioned products become more

The address is 02 souk el samak street
 senbelawin 35651
Contact : shaban 
, MR
, (, Seller, )