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Frozen legs Suppliers Manufacturers

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Based in Lebanon Allied Resourcing Company Offshore S.A.L. is a Agent, Trader, Importateur, Wholesaler, Service, of Frozen Potatoes, Frozen Vegetables, Frozen Dairy, Frozen Fruits, Soup, Frozen Fish, Frozen Meat, PreparedFood, RefrigeratedFood, Frozen Service,

Overview : Throughout the years we have been striving to satisfy the needs of our customers, fortunately with the efforts of our professional staff we could achieve that task. Our Mission is being successful in the world's international market, supplying our customers with the best quality products and services to ensure the best outcome and help our customers select the most efficient sources for their businesses and investments. " Your Purchasing Department Allied Resourcing Company Offshore s.a.l"

The address is Nabay Road, 573 Abi Atmeh Bldg #4 1st Floor
 Kennabet Broummana 1189
Contact : Doumit 
, Mr.
, (Buyer, Seller, )