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Frozen legs Suppliers Manufacturers

Below you will find a list of suppliers, processors, producers, wholesalers, importers, traders, distributors Manufacturers of Frozen legs.
We do have a supplier in the world wide, wherever you are. Suppliers can offer you a wide choices of Frozen legs to your company.

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Based in Netherlands FFT INTERNATIONAL is a Trader, of Frozen Potatoes, Frozen Vegetables, Frozen Dairy, Frozen Fruits, Frozen IceCream, Frozen Fish, Frozen Meat, Frozen Desserts, Jam, PreparedFood, Drinks, DehydratedFood, RefrigeratedFood,

The address is De Zwette ,19
, Holland
 ZR Veenwouden 9269
Contact : Molenaar 
, Managing Director
, (, Seller, ) 

Based in Netherlands A F STAM BV is a Trader, Processor, Wholesaler, of Frozen Potatoes, Frozen Fish, Frozen Meat,

The address is Arent Krijtsstraat 38
 Diemen 1111AM
Contact : bram 
, Sales Manager
, (, Seller, ) 

Based in Netherlands West Food Group is a Trader, Processor, of Frozen Meat,

Overview : West Food Group B.V. (WFG) is a part of Vriesekoop Poultry Processing Holding was established to expand the export of Frozen Chicken products from Brazil and Holland to Global International Markets

The address is Strekkerweg 75
 Amsterdam 1033 DA
Contact : Iarosh 
, (, Seller, ) 

Based in Netherlands Gierlinger-holding is a Processor, of Frozen Meat, PreparedFood, RefrigeratedFood,

The address is p/a Kamille 2a
 Kerkdriel 5331 DN
Contact : Gierlinger 
, Mr.
, (, Seller, )